Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I was rereading my story recently and I decided to edit it a bit. Most of my notes say 'describe this' or 'expand that'. I didn't do it at the time because I wasn't quite sure how to do it. I started this story in middle school, when I was full of rebellious angst. Now that I have grown up a bit, I no longer feel that way. I don't want to join a gang or hit people or curse. I am still stubborn and rebellious, but in a different way. I no longer felt connected with my character.
Today, I was really bored, so I decided to give it a go. Here are some of the questions and answers I came up with:

1. What does Tonia look like?
            Tonia is 4 foot six inches and about 120lbs.
She has short brown hair that falls in messy waves just above her chin.
She cuts her own hair, so it always looks kinda odd.
            She has light blue eyes that look green in certain lights
            She has a petite build but is very toned
            She has olive colored skin and in the summer, gets very dark
            She has a rosebud mouth and lots of freckles on her cheeks and across her nose.
She tends to wear cloths that older boys have gotten rid of. It started because Shannon wanted cloths that Tonia could grow into.
She has a size six shoe.
Her teeth are not particularly straight, but nor are they so crooked that they beome a noticeable feature.
2. What does Astronaut look like?
            He is a big horse. Fifteen hands tall
            Midnight black shiny coat
            Three years old
            Muscles bulging on top of muscles
            Blazing eyes
            Long thick mane and tail
            Scars on his legs from fighting
3. How do the other horses react to Astronaut as he passes?
            They are all terrified of him
            They huddle together with their heads down when he passes
            They stamp nervously when they smell his Alpha scent
            They all defer to him and let him eat, drink, or walk in front of everyone.
            Sometimes he will bite or charge the other horses and they will scream or run away
            If there is a new horse or young male, they will often get in fights with him.

Those are the first three questions. More to follow. I am so tired of staring at the screen.

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