My friend Summer and I (Hi Summer!) and I like to write, and we thought it would be fun to do character bios on each other.
How do I describe one of the best friends I have ever had? Well, like many of my friends, she is fun loving, perky, loyal....oh, wait, that's Zoey, my dog. When I met Summer, she was quiet, reserved, and cautious. I decided then and there that she needed to be my friend :D Now, she is outgoing, zany, fun, nerdy, and a great listener. I can really go to her with...almost...anything. We are very honest with each other. I love how quirky she is. She is not easily offended, and is still a bit shy and cautious around people she doesn't know. She is a great, albeit amateur, writer that loves to delve into the fantasy and surreal realms of fiction and science fiction, and currently, magic. She can get very fangirly very quickly, but that just shows her ability to love (agape) people. uh that's all I got for now, I think I may add more later.
Oh! and my parents bought a really good now our house is filled with fruits and veggies and various herbs, and the smell of citrus continually permeates the air (better than Glade, if you ask me). I love making the juices, and my mom used the leftover pulp to make muffins, or carrot cake, or something like that.....I am suddenly hungry, how 'bout you? Ciao for now
Hey Zoe! I posted your Bio on my other blog, The Owl's Writing Desk.